Invitation Letter
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Letter of Invitation

Participants who require an official invitation letter in order to obtain a visa should apply for this invitation as early as possible.

All letters will be emailed to you as a signed PDF document, for you to print as required.

All requests for Letters of Invitation should be addressed by email directly to and provide the following information:

The information is required from the authors of the accepted papers who will give presentation at the conference:
1. Name as it appears on your passport
2. Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Miss. etc)
3. Address
4. Paper Title and ID with the conference/workshop/symposium acronym name.

The information is required from participants who are not the authors:
1. Name as it appears on your passport
2. Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Miss. etc)
3. Address
4. The proof of completed conference Participant Registration.


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